
Preserve your free time

Concierge services

Tailor-made options

Free time is one of the most precious things, and we attach the same importance to it as you do.

Therefore, in partnership with Dupont & Jensen, a company established in Luxembourg for more than 20 years, we offer you a concierge service designed to make your daily life easier and to meet your specific needs.

Whether you are established in Luxembourg or a newcomer, Dupont & Jensen offers you a tailor-made service that covers all aspects of your daily life, allowing you to concentrate on the essential things, such as spending quality time with your loved ones.

ASSISTANCE - New installation in Luxembourg


Global management of your installation

  • Taking care of the move / moving in
  • Management of the administrative formalities with the Administrations
  • Management of the different subscriptions and insurances


Discovery of the city and its different districts

  • Schools, work place, leisure facilities, parks, restaurants



  • School search and appointment setting
  • Information on cultural and sports activities
  • Contact with medical services
  • Assistance to the spouse (job search, language courses...)



Daily management

  • Pick up your parcel at a relay point and drop it off at the location of your choice
  • Send your personal or professional mail to the post office
  • Pick up your vehicle at your place of work, for a complete cleaning and return
  • Make purchases from your shopping list, deliver them and put them away
  • Book an appointment with your hairdresser
  • Buy your favorite bottles of wine and store them in your private cellar
  • Book a cab
  • Pick up your clothes from the dry cleaner
  • Reserve a nice table at a restaurant
  • Book your tickets for your business trips
  • Make an offer for your next trip
  • ...


This list of services is not exhaustive, contact us for more information on our services and our personalized offers.


6 Rue Antoine Meyer
L-2153 Luxembourg
T.(+352) 26 20 25 53




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